We had a very successful Blood Drive!! Out of 22 potential donors, we were able to obtain 19 units! Plus we had two people that donated their blood and plasma! We reached our goal and are on track for an American Red Cross Scholarship for a Senior at LHS! Our next blood drive is in April 2020.
Thank you all so much!!! There is a lot of work that goes into having the blood drive, from the announcements, consents, appointments, set up in the gym, and helping load and unload the Red Cross Supplies. Then there is the donation part, as well as the clean up at the end of the day. I am very proud of our school, staff, and our kids here at LHS for the contributions that they made!
On behalf of myself , Health Occupations and The American Red Cross, I want to thank everyone that donated and/or participated in the blood drive, allowed students to work the blood drive, and excused the students from class that were donating and working the blood drive.
Ms Schreifels