CUSD #20 November Remote Plan DATES Monday, November 16th - Remote planning day for staff members. There will be no homework for students on this day. Tuesday, November 17th-Tuesday, November 24th - All students with Internet access will begin their remote learning. Students will have assignments on both the Acellus program and/or Google classroom. Parkside face-to-face learners may pick up packets from 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17th. The completed packets must be turned in on November 30th. Wednesday, November 25th-Friday, November 27th - No School/Thanksgiving break. Students will not be given assignments during these dates. Teachers will not be available to assist students. Monday, November 30th - In-person learning will resume. Parkside face-to-face learners return packets. LUNCHES The District will be serving meals to students at various locations throughout the district during remote learning. As we have done in the past, parents/guardians will need to call-in to place their order for lunch. Please call Parkside (943-3992), Parkview (943-2327) or LHS (943-3389) to let them know your name, number of lunches needed, and your pick-up location. Meals will be available for pick-up at Parkside Elementary School, Central Christian Church, St. Francisville Church, Russellville Church, Casey’s bus stop, Lincoln School bus stop, 12th & Wabash bus stop, and 4th & Jefferson bus stop. Staff members will be at the pick-up sites in school vehicles from 11:00 to 11:30 to distribute meals. Building secretaries will be available beginning Friday, November 13th to take orders for meals. We ask that orders be placed before 9:00 am for any day that you would like a meal. You may place an order for all seven days or selected dates. We also ask that you let the school know if there is a change in the number of meals that you would like each day. Each meal will also include a breakfast item for the following morning as well. PACKETS We have yet to receive all of the computers ordered back in May, therefore, we are unable to provide every student at Parkside with a computer. Due to that fact, Parkside face-to-face learners will be provided with packets instead of a computer. However, if a student has access to a computer at home, they may complete the work online. Packets will be available on Tuesday, November 17th and will contain all of the student’s work for the remote learning session. Packets will be returned on November 30th. Packets will also be available on Tuesday, November 17th for any Parkview student who does not have access to the Internet. INTERNET ACCESS We are in the process of ordering more hotspots and will distribute them to Parkview and Lawrenceville High School students without Internet access as soon as possible. In the meantime, LHS and Parkview will be opening their cafeterias for students to come in to utilize the Internet. Building principals will be sending out more information on their building use during the remote learning days. Students are allowed to schedule an appointment with their teacher for a short meeting not to exceed 15 minutes. This will allow the teacher to provide face-to-face clarification on assignments to students who are struggling with a particular concept as needed. To set up a meeting, please contact your child’s teacher directly through email. All appointments will take place at the school during normal school hours.
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
November 12, 2020 Dear CUSD #20 Families and Staff, Due to a spike in Covid-19 cases in both the community and school district, all CUSD #20 students will be going to a remote learning only setting starting Monday, November 16th. We plan to return to school on Monday, November 30th. The District is in the process of finalizing our remote learning plan and will be releasing details as soon as possible. Information about meals, learning packets, and availability of the Internet will be released at that time. I ask for your patience as we finalize plans and please refrain from calling the school buildings at this time. Once information is released, we will be available to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have through email at Sincerely, Doug Daugherty Superintendent, CUSD #20
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
The meaning of Veterans Day is an important part of the learning process for the students of CUSD #20. Each year we are proud to celebrate our veterans. Our celebrations will have to be different this year because of the restrictions that are part of our lives right now. To show respect and admiration to our heroes who have served our country, CUSD #20 will be placing flags on the grounds of each school. Each student will plant a flag to represent those who have served, past and present. We encourage all veterans to drive by each school and know this is our way of honoring your great service. You can see the flags by driving west on Cedar Street, past Parkview. At Parkside, you can enter the grounds through the north driveway, on Cedar Street, and exit by the football stadium. From there, you can cross Porter Avenue and enter the Lawrenceville High School grounds, then exit out the driveway next to SipIt on to James Street. The flags will be visible by the end of the day on Monday, November 9th. The viewing route will be open Tuesday, November 10th and Wednesday, November 11th. All of the teachers, staff and students of CUSD #20 want to show respect and gratitude to our amazing veterans. We thank you for your service and we hope you enjoy our flag display to honor you on this Veterans Day.
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
At last night’s special board meeting, the Lawrence County CUSD #20 Board of Education voted not to go to an all-remote learning setting. We will continue to monitor the situation and reevaluate as necessary. As always, feel free to contact the District through email at with any questions.
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
October 30, 2020 Dear CUSD #20 Families and Staff: With the increased number of Covid cases in both the community and our schools, CUSD #20 is considering the possibility of going to a district-wide remote learning setting. If the district makes the decision to do remote learning, it would begin on Monday, November 23rd and last until at least Tuesday, January 19th. Again, this is only a possibility. We will inform the public if/when we decide to do this. We wanted to make everyone aware of the possibility of going to district-wide remote learning so that everyone is aware of what is being discussed and will be prepared IF we go to district-wide remote learning. The district chose this timeframe for remote learning due to the likelihood of increased contact with people outside the family home during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. During this 7 week timeframe, we will be doing 5 weeks of remote learning and have 2 weeks of Christmas Break. We are working to determine our plans, and we will keep everyone informed going forward. We have scheduled a special board meeting for Thursday, November 5th so that the Board can discuss this situation and make a determination on how best to move forward.. If you have any questions, please contact the District through email at Sincerely, Doug Daugherty, Superintendent CUSD #20
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
All schools will be closed next Tuesday, November 3rd for Election Day.
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
October 27, 2020 Dear CUSD #20 Families and Staff: Our school district has been hit with another round of Covid positive tests along with more quarantines due to close contact with someone who tested positive. At this point, we have two students who have tested positive for the virus and are currently under home quarantine. Along with these students, we are sending home another 40 students due to close contact to the positive students. This exposure has happened both at school and on the school bus. Names of those involved will not be released by the school due to confidentiality reasons. If your child was in close contact with any individual who tested positive, the Lawrence County Health Department will be contacting you. At this time, all school buildings will remain open. If changes need to be made in this policy, we will make an announcement as soon as possible. If you have questions, please contact us through email at Sincerely, Doug Daugherty, Superintendent CUSD #20
about 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
Dental Safari is coming to Lawrenceville High School December 8th.
over 4 years ago, CUSD#20
Dental Safari is coming to Parkview December 11th.
over 4 years ago, CUSD#20
Reminder to LHS students and parents: Tomorrow is a remote learning day for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Seniors will attend school to take their SAT test.
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
October 13, 2020 Dear CUSD #20 Families and Staff: Over the weekend, a staff member at Parkview Junior High became ill and has been tested for Covid-19. Due to exposure to other staff members on Friday during the teachers’ institute day, we have taken the precaution of quarantining our 6th grade faculty. They will remain in quarantine until further notice. Names of those involved will not be released by the school due to confidentiality reasons. If your child was in close contact with any individual who tested positive, the Lawrence County Health Department will be contacting you. At this time, all school buildings will remain open. If changes need to be made in this policy, we will make an announcement as soon as possible. If you have questions, please contact us through email at Sincerely, Doug Daugherty, Superintendent CUSD #20
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow or Monday. School will resume on Tuesday, October 13th which is the start of the 2nd quarter. Have a great weekend.
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
Any student who is returning for in-school learning on Tuesday, October 13th is asked to call their child's school to confirm transportation information.
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
Junior High students and parents, Open gyms will begin this week for 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball (10/7/20 @ 330-430pm) and next week for 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball (10/14/20 @ 530 to 7pm). IESA Contact Days will run from 11/2/20-12/18/20. Please make sure that all physicals are up to date before contact days begin on 11/2/20. You can turn all physicals into the school nurse here at Parkview JH. 6th Grade Girls Basketball Open Gym will begin next week 10/13/20 @ 5-6pm 6th Grade Boys Basketball & JH Volleyball Open Gyms are TBA All open gyms & contact days conducted at Parkview JH will require the following items: *All participants must be temp checked before entering the gym *All participants must wear a face mask indoors unless they are getting a drink *All participants must bring their own drinks and towels. Nothing should be shared
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
September 29, 2020 Dear CUSD #20 Families and Staff: I would like to update everyone on the situation regarding Covid-19 at our schools. Currently, we have had six staff members in the district test positive for Covid-19. Names of those involved will not be released by the school due to confidentiality reasons. If your child was in close contact with any individual who tested positive, the Lawrence County Health Department will be contacting you. At this time, we do not have any students who have tested positive for the Covid-19. At this time, all school buildings will remain open. If changes need to be made in this policy, we will make an announcement as soon as possible. If you have questions, please contact us through email at Sincerely, Doug Daugherty, Superintendent CUSD #20
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
Upcoming Flu Shot Clinic for Parkview and LHS Students on Oct 2nd. If you are interested please see the linked form that needs to be returned by Sept. 25th.
over 4 years ago, CUSD#20
Any student who would like to participate in the Fish and Loaves food program, can find more information and a sign up form at the website below.
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
Mid-term progress reports will soon be arriving by mail and/or email. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers with any questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
USDA Approves Free Meals for Kids Through December 31, 2020 Beginning September 1, 2020 breakfast and lunch meals for all Unit #20 students will be provided at no charge. Anyone who has paid for a meal since September 1 will have their account reimbursed.
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty
September 4, 2020 CUSD #20 Parents and Guardians, There is an ongoing problem in the school district that needs to be rectified immediately. Parents who have students at Parkview received an email yesterday from Mr. Brush. However this issue is occurring at all three buildings, so I want to make all parents aware of the situation. On Thursday, September 3rd, the district was required to send home five (5) staff members and three (3) students who had been in close contact with a student who recently tested positive for COVID. These individuals will be quarantined until Tuesday, September 15th. These staff members and students will NOT be publicly identified by the school district as that is a violation of privacy law. I can assure you that by working with the Lawrence County Health Department, we were able to quickly locate all individuals who needed to quarantine. Those families have been contacted. Everyone has to do their part to control the spread of COVID-19. At any time, if anyone in your household is tested, due to illness not job related, your child(ren) MUST REMAIN AT HOME until the tested person receives notice that their test result is negative. In addition, if a student is showing ANY symptoms of COVID-19, DO NOT send him/her to school. The major symptoms of COVID-19 are: FEVER COUGH FATIGUE BODY ACHE CONGESTION SHORTNESS OF BREATH If you have any questions, please contact us through Sincerely, Doug Daugherty, Superintendent Lawrence County CUSD #20
over 4 years ago, Doug Daugherty