
Parent(s)/Guardian(s)- CUSD 20 needs your help! 

Next week, an important window of opportunity opens for every school across the state. It’s the opening of our annual Illinois 5Essentials Survey – the tool that provides a voice for all teachers, parents, and fourth- through 12th-grade students to tell administrators what’s working and what needs improvement. This year, the survey is open Jan. 23-March 29.


The 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains.

The five indicators that positively affect school success are:

- Effective Leaders
- Collaborative Teachers
- Involved Families
- Supportive Environments
- Ambitious Instruction

Research derived from the Five Essentials for School Success has proven that schools strong on at least three of the 5Essentials are 10 times more likely to improve student outcomes.  The results also factor into each school’s Summative Designation and Equity Journey Continuum, both of which are displayed on the Illinois Report Card.

The parent/guardian piece of this survey is profoundly important. Engaged parents/guardians make the difference in students’ success. Effective family and community engagement practices can ensure parents/guardians and families feel welcome, valued, and heard as equal partners in their children’s education. 

We ask that next week when the link is sent to you, that you take the time to complete the survey. We need your input to complete the survey requirements. Please take a few minutes out of your day during the open window and give your feedback. We at CUSD #20 appreciate your time. The survey window will close on March 19, 2024.